Monday, January 19, 2009

I'm lovin' it with YUKIE

As you know, this university has McDonalds! Yukie, my lovely friend, and I went and eat it after a Chinese class.
What I would like to show is a hot tea of McDonalds. I often used to drink a corn soup but now it is not sold at McDonalds.  So, I ordered a hot milk tea. You can get two packs of tea for medium size.
We ate an Italian chikin fileo as our meals. It was new item of McDonalds and we wanted to try it! was not so good for us.

This size is M. OH-------!! YUKIE IS SO CUTE!!! I love a hot milk tea and YUKIE!!


horiken said...

You really love the Mc! Do you still eat french fries?

yukiee said...

hahaha im on ur blog haha lets go to mcdonalds again sometime! wanna eat shakachiki! u hangry now yea??

Yuji Toshima said...

I think you are cute too.